High cholesterol means there is too much fat in the blood. If left unchecked, fat can settle to blood vessels and block blood flow. This condition will cause a number of diseases, including hypertension and heart disease. To avoid various diseases due to high cholesterol, you need to keep cholesterol levels normal. High cholesterol or hypercholesterolemia that is left can make your blood vessels narrow and harden (atherosclerosis). This condition will make you vulnerable to various diseases. Various diseases due to high cholesterol Here are some diseases that occur due to high cholesterol: 1. High blood pressure High blood pressure (hypertension) occurs when the pressure in the blood vessels exceeds normal. One reason is the buildup of cholesterol which makes blood vessels constrict, so the heart needs to work harder and put extra pressure to pump blood. If left unchecked, over time the heart's performance will also be affected. 2. Coronary heart disease High cholesterol ...
Religion and spirituality are important aspects in human life. The rituals are taught for generations in various cultures. Aside from being a means to remember the Creator and draw closer to Him, religion also has benefits for our health, you know. Adhering to certain religions and beliefs is closely related to one's spiritual life and health condition. From a research, it is known that regular religious activities can increase life expectancy up to 2-3 years. People who regularly worship according to their beliefs will also feel more peaceful, calm, happy, and filled with feelings of affection from and towards those around them. Some of these are the reasons why religion can make someone healthier. The Benefits of Religion for Health Knowing the benefits of religion for health may make you more enthusiastic about worshiping. So, let's look at the various benefits below: 1. Teach you a healthy way of life Most religions encourage their adherents to do healthy things, s...